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No-Pudge Brownie Mix

I discovered No Pudge Brownie Mix a couple of years ago when it screamed out at me from a supermarket shelf in a supermarket I never go to in a different part of Brooklyn. I can't remember why I was there, but the hot pink almost retro-looking box got my attention, and boy am I glad. This stuff is incredible. I don't understand about the No-Pudge part, having never been able to grasp much about nutrition. I'm like the girl on that commercial, standing in the bakery pointing to rolls--does this one have carbs? what about this one? and this?--I get that 'fat-free' can sometimes mean more of something else--sugar?, but again, this is not my field of expertise so I'm making no claims here on behalf of the product, except for how delicious it is...please read on. You make the 'brownies' by mixing the chocolatey powder with any kind of yogurt you want. I put 'brownie' in quotes because the way we choose to use it is to make little individual portions in pyrex dishes. Two tablespoons of mix combined with one tablespoon of yogurt, microwaved on high for one minute, and you get this thing that's a lot like molten chocolate cake. We've tried it with plain yogurt, vanilla yogurt, banilla yogurt, strawberry yogurt, chocolate yogurt. I've only ever tasted the Fudge Brownie mix in the pink box--they do have other varieties. I may branch out at some point (there's a mint one, not sure what else), but there's been no incentive to do that yet. The website is full of other kinds of recipes, mostly sent in by fans: applesauce brownies, cherry cola brownies, etc. Check it out. This stuff is incredible.